
To learn something new, it’s not very useful to just read about it. The best way is to get your hands dirty and start doing it. Since React hooks had just come out when I was about to leave my previous job, I had never written hooks before, only seen some basic tutorials. But after starting my new job, I finally started writing function components + hooks.

Although I initially missed the class syntax, I found hooks to be quite good after writing them for a while. In the process of using hooks, I also encountered some common problems that people who are new to them often face. After careful study, I found that the case I want to discuss in this article is quite good. If you can understand this case, you should be able to grasp the fundamental differences between class and function components. Therefore, I wrote this article to record my experience.

By the way, if you have been writing function components for a while, are quite used to hooks, and have read the official documentation and Dan Abramov’s articles carefully, you probably won’t gain any new knowledge from this article. This article is suitable for those who have just switched to function components and are not sure what the differences are between them and class components.

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Recently, I came across a great tutorial on Regular Expressions for Regular Folk, which is well-written and beautifully designed. Since Regular Expressions are commonly used in development, but not covered in my course, I decided to write a simple article on this topic.

This article is intended for beginners who have no idea what Regular Expressions are. Therefore, the explanations will be relatively simple, and the examples will be relatively easy to understand. The patterns will also be relatively fixed, with fewer boundary conditions to consider, making it easier to learn.

Alright, let’s get started!

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If you have written functions in other programming languages that are not first-class, you may experience some pain when writing JavaScript and wonder what you are doing - at least that’s how I feel.

When I first discovered that functions can be passed around as parameters, I had to think hard about more complex code, and other behaviors of functions also confused me, such as the fact that functions are also objects, and what exactly is this.

This article mainly wants to share some interesting aspects of functions. However, it is too boring to start talking about a lot of knowledge directly. I hope to arouse everyone’s curiosity about this knowledge. The best way to arouse curiosity is to provide a “question that you will also be interested in”. You will have the motivation to continue reading.

Therefore, the following uses a few small questions as the opening. Although they are in the form of questions, it doesn’t matter if you can’t answer them. If you are interested in the answers to these questions, please continue reading. If you are not interested, just go straight ahead and turn left at the end.

By the way, the title of this article was originally intended to be called “How much do you know about JavaScript functions” or “Interesting JavaScript functions”, but these titles are too boring, so I thought of this light novel-style (?) title.

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I wrote this article because I believe that many people have encountered this problem. In summary, when using console.log to print an object, the printed value is different from what you expected. Let’s take a look at the code below:

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First, let’s briefly introduce what an Online Judge (OJ) system is. Simply put, it is a system like LeetCode that allows you to submit code for problem-solving and then lets the system check it and give you the final result. Below is a screenshot of LeetCode:

LeetCode interface

Before LeetCode became popular, the most well-known OJ was probably UVa Online Judge, also known as ACM. In Taiwan, ZeroJudge is more famous.

If you happen to have a need and want to build your own OJ, what should you do?

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In two of my previous articles, I Know You Understand Hoisting, But Do You Really Understand It? and All Functions Are Closures: Discussing Scope and Closure in JS, I talked about the differences between the scopes of let and var.

The scope of let is block, while var is function. This is a classic example:

for(var i=1; i<=10; i++) {
  setTimeout(function() {

It was originally expected to output 1 to 10 in order, but unexpectedly output 10 11s. The reason behind this is that the i on the third line always has only one, which is the var i declared in the for loop, and it is the same variable from beginning to end.

The classic solution is also very simple, just change var to let:

for(let i=1; i<=10; i++) {
  setTimeout(function() {

The reason why this works is that the above code can be seen as the following form:

 let i=1
 setTimeout(function() {

 let i=2
 setTimeout(function() {


 let i=10
 setTimeout(function() {

Since the scope of let is block, there is actually a new i in each round of the loop, so there are 10 different i after the loop runs 10 times, and of course, 10 different numbers are output in the end.

Therefore, the biggest difference between var and let in this example is the number of variables, the former has only one, while the latter has 10.

Okay, now that you know the difference between let and var, let’s take a look at the main issue of this article.

In fact, this issue comes from a question raised by @getify, the author of YDKJS (You Don’t Know JS), on his Twitter:

question for JS engines devs…
is there an optimization in place for this kind of code?

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  // no closure

IOW, where the behavior of creating a new i per iteration is not needed nor observable… does JS skip doing it?

If you didn’t understand it very well, you can continue to read the other tweet:

here’s a variation on the question… will JS engines exhibit much performance difference between these two loops?

for (var i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
   // do some stuff, but not closure

for (let i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
   // do the same stuff (no closure)

Simply put, when we usually use let with loops, isn’t it like we said above, there will be a new i in each round? If so, then there should be a performance difference between var and let, because let must new a new variable in each round, so let will be slower.

If the loop does not need a new i in each round, will the JS engine optimize it? This issue is mainly to explore whether the JS engine will optimize this behavior.

So how do we know? Either you are a JS engine developer, or you can look at the JS bytecode, but both of these difficulties are a bit too high. But don’t worry, there is a third way: look at the JS bytecode.

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In my blog, there are actually few tool-related tutorial articles. One reason is that these tool-related articles are all similar, and the other reason is that I am lazy and many step-by-step tutorials require detailed descriptions and rich screenshots, which is not suitable for me.

But this time I decided to write this topic because I think webpack is a tool that beginners are not easy to understand, and even if they understand it, they may not really understand it. In other words, it is a tool that is often misunderstood.

This is not a problem with webpack itself, but many beginners now start with React or Vue directly in front-end development, and they all use the CLI tools provided by them. When they need to customize some settings, they will notice: “Oh, there is a thing called webpack.”

CLI tools bring convenience, and the advantage is that beginners can quickly get started without worrying about those cumbersome settings; the disadvantage is that if beginners are not aware of the tools behind them, when the tools are broken, cannot be used, or need to be modified somewhere, it will be the beginning of a nightmare.

In order to reduce this situation, I decided to write this article, hoping to introduce everyone to the concept of webpack and modularity from the source. You must first know what a module is to understand what webpack is.

At the beginning, I want to let everyone think about their familiarity with modularity and webpack through a few questions:

  1. Why do many projects (such as React) need to be built before deployment? What is this step doing?
  2. Do you know the difference between require/module.exports and import/export?
  3. Do you know that these two syntaxes of import and export cannot be used casually on the browser?
  4. Do you know why to use webpack?
  5. Do you know why webpack needs a loader?

These questions should inspire you a little bit while reading this article, and I will answer them for you at the end.

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I have always recommended a course called CS50 because it is deep, broad, and taught in a clear and concise manner. The assignments are also solid, making it an excellent course.

The course I am introducing today can be described as the “CS50 of computer hardware.”

From Nand to Tetris was created by two professors, Shimon Schocken and Noam Nisan. Like CS50, it was originally a university course that later became an online course. The course has a subtitle on its official website: “Building a Modern Computer From First Principles.” Yes, you will build a computer.

The course is divided into two parts. Part 1 is From Nand to HACK. Nand is the name of a logic gate, just like Or, And, and Xor. HACK is the computer that will be built at the end of Part 1. Therefore, Part 1 will take you from the most basic logic gate and gradually build a computer. This part is heavily focused on hardware.

Part 2 is From HACK to Tetris, which extends from the computer to software. It covers topics such as compilers and operating systems.

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Recently, the second edition of YDKJS (You Don’t Know JS) was released, called YDKJSY, where Y stands for Yet. Although the second edition is not yet complete, some of the initial chapters have already been made available on GitHub.

I read the first chapter, which talks about the history of JS. It mentioned an interesting issue:

As such, sometimes the JS engines will refuse to conform to a specification-dictated change because it would break that web content.

In these cases, often TC39 will backtrack and simply choose to conform the specification to the reality of the web. For example, TC39 planned to add a contains(..) method for Arrays, but it was found that this name conflicted with old JS frameworks still in use on some sites, so they changed the name to a non-conflicting includes(..). The same happened with a comedic/tragic JS community crisis dubbed “smooshgate”, where the planned flatten(..) method was eventually renamed flat(..).

In summary, it means that sometimes the JS specification must compromise with reality (existing old implementations). For example, the Array was originally supposed to add a method called contains, but it was changed to includes due to issues. Flatten was also renamed to flat.

There is also a term “smooshgate” that was specially marked above. When searching for this keyword, it was found that it was an event that occurred around March last year, related to the aforementioned flatten. When I saw this, my first reaction was, “Huh, why don’t I know anything?” After searching for information in Traditional Chinese, I found only this article that mentioned it: SmooshGate and this article that only touched on it: [Note] 3 types of JavaScript object property characteristics.

After carefully studying the origin and development of the matter, I found it to be an interesting topic, so I wrote this article to share it with everyone.

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In the past few years, “problem-solving” seems to have become a trend. When students majoring in computer science go for interviews with big companies, they are required to solve problems. Even non-computer science students are expected to solve problems during interviews. It seems that if you don’t solve problems, you will fall behind others and be eliminated by the company.

Actually, I have never been fond of the term “problem-solving”, mainly because of the word “solving”. I don’t know how you interpret this word, but I feel that there is a sense of “solving problems just for the sake of solving problems”, just like the tactic of solving a lot of problems. Although this tactic can be effective if used properly, I always feel that many people will end up with the mentality of “I can solve the problems I have seen, but I can’t solve the ones I haven’t seen”. If that’s the case, I don’t think it’s a good thing.

I have written an article before: What should we learn when we are learning to code?, which briefly discusses this issue.

In short, I prefer to use the phrase “programming problem-solving” to express what I want to say, rather than the term “problem-solving”.

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