
Among the various data types in JavaScript, Number is a very commonly used one, and there are some small details that need to be paid special attention to, otherwise it is easy to write code with bugs.

This article will show you some examples, some are hypothetical scenarios, and some are problems I have encountered myself. Before continuing to explain each case, you can try to put yourself in the scenario and think about whether you know the cause of the problem and how to avoid it.

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How many data types are there in JavaScript? And what are they?

Before discussing data types, we should first know how many types there are in JavaScript and have a basic understanding of each type. Before we start, you can count them yourself and then compare your answer with mine to see if it is correct.

As JavaScript evolves, this article will use the latest ECMAScript 2021 as the standard. If “spec” is mentioned below, it refers to the ECMAScript 2021 language specification .

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I believe that in order to understand the JavaScript programming language, it is important to understand the concept of the “execution environment” or “runtime”. Many people are not aware of this concept, which can lead to differences in understanding of JavaScript or other technologies. Therefore, in this article, let’s talk about the execution environment.

Note: In addition to “runtime”, “execution environment” is also used to refer to the same concept, but these two terms are completely different. To avoid confusion, we will use the term “runtime” throughout this article.

Also, “runtime” has many meanings, but in this context, it refers to the runtime environment.

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After discussing the history and baggage of JavaScript, let’s talk about JavaScript itself.

Have you ever wondered how to know if an author of a JavaScript book or tutorial article has written it correctly? How do you know if the knowledge in the book is correct? As the title suggests, could it be that the JavaScript knowledge you previously knew was actually wrong?

Do you just trust the author because they often write technical articles? Or do you believe it because it’s written the same way on MDN? Or is it because everyone says it, so it must be right?

Some questions do not have standard answers, such as the trolley problem, where different schools of thought will have their own approved answers, and there is no saying which one is necessarily correct.

Fortunately, the world of programming languages is relatively simple. When we talk about JavaScript knowledge, there are two places where you can verify whether this knowledge is correct. The first is called the ECMAScript specification, and the second one, we’ll talk about later.

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I believe that to truly understand JavaScript, we must start from its history. Why? Because by understanding its history, we can know why certain parts are designed in a certain way and why there are seemingly strange behaviors. Although some ancient knowledge may not have much practical use, it is very interesting to me.

Learning its history is not about memorizing the year it appeared or how many days it took to develop and design, but rather understanding the context in which it appeared and why it was needed and designed in a certain way.

If you want to learn about the history of JavaScript, my top recommendation is this resource: JavaScript: The First 20 Years, because Brendan Eich, the father of JavaScript, is also one of the authors. If you want to read the Chinese version, it is available here: JavaScript 20 Years.

This book records the history of JavaScript from 1995 to 2015, a total of 20 years. If you have time, I strongly recommend that you read it all. It will give you a different understanding of JavaScript (and you will also learn a lot of interesting facts).

Below, I will pick some of the more important things to write about. If there is no specific mention of the data source, it is from the book mentioned above, so it is normal if it seems familiar.

Since I was born around the same time as JavaScript, I have not personally experienced the early history. If it seems like I have participated in it, it is all just imagination.

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Blogs need to display publishing time, restaurant websites need to display reservation time, and auction websites need to display various order times. No matter what you do, you will encounter the very common need to display time.

This problem seems simple, just display the time, right? But if it involves “time zones”, the problem will become even more complicated. Regarding time zones, there are usually several requirements:

  1. The time on the website needs to be displayed in a fixed time zone. I want to see the same time on the website whether I am in the United States or in Taiwan.
  2. The time on the website will be different according to the user’s browser settings. I will see different times in the United States and Taiwan.
  3. PM did not consider this issue and only considered local users, so there is no need to worry about this for the time being.

And this is only the display part. There is another part that communicates with the backend. We can talk about this later, but in any case, correctly handling time and time zones is not a simple matter.

I have recently encountered related issues in one or two jobs, so I have a little experience in this area and wrote this article to share with you.

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Recently, my colleagues at work took a course on information security. As I was already interested in information security, I discussed it with my colleagues, which led me to research related topics for the past two weeks. These were things I had heard of before but had not studied seriously, such as LFI (Local File Inclusion), REC (Remote code execution), SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery), and various magical filters in PHP. I also reviewed SQL Injection and XSS, which I was already relatively familiar with.

In CTF challenges, situations often arise where you need to bypass various restrictions, which is an opportunity to test your understanding of specific protocols or programming languages. You have to think about how to find at least one way to successfully bypass those restrictions under existing limitations.

Originally, I didn’t know what to write about this week. I wanted to write about the things mentioned above, but I hadn’t figured out how to organize them yet. The follow-up series of “I Don’t know React” was not yet organized, so I thought it would be fun to do a little challenge related to “bypassing restrictions” with everyone. That is:

In JavaScript, can you successfully execute console.log(1) without using letters and numbers?

In other words, no English letters (a-zA-Z) or numbers (0-9) can appear in the code. Everything else (various symbols) is allowed. After executing the code, console.log(1) will be executed, and 1 will be printed in the console.

If you have thought of any interesting services or libraries that can do this before, don’t mention them yet. Before that, you can think about it yourself and see if you can write it out, and then check other people’s solutions.

If you can write it all by yourself from scratch, it means that you should be quite familiar with the JS programming language and various automatic type conversions.

Below, I will provide some of my own thoughts and the process of solving this problem. There are spoilers, so don’t scroll down if you haven’t solved it yet.

== Spoiler Alert ==
== Spoiler Alert ==
== Spoiler Alert ==
== Spoiler Alert ==
== Spoiler Alert ==

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If you have written functions in other programming languages that are not first-class, you may experience some pain when writing JavaScript and wonder what you are doing - at least that’s how I feel.

When I first discovered that functions can be passed around as parameters, I had to think hard about more complex code, and other behaviors of functions also confused me, such as the fact that functions are also objects, and what exactly is this.

This article mainly wants to share some interesting aspects of functions. However, it is too boring to start talking about a lot of knowledge directly. I hope to arouse everyone’s curiosity about this knowledge. The best way to arouse curiosity is to provide a “question that you will also be interested in”. You will have the motivation to continue reading.

Therefore, the following uses a few small questions as the opening. Although they are in the form of questions, it doesn’t matter if you can’t answer them. If you are interested in the answers to these questions, please continue reading. If you are not interested, just go straight ahead and turn left at the end.

By the way, the title of this article was originally intended to be called “How much do you know about JavaScript functions” or “Interesting JavaScript functions”, but these titles are too boring, so I thought of this light novel-style (?) title.

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In two of my previous articles, I Know You Understand Hoisting, But Do You Really Understand It? and All Functions Are Closures: Discussing Scope and Closure in JS, I talked about the differences between the scopes of let and var.

The scope of let is block, while var is function. This is a classic example:

for(var i=1; i<=10; i++) {
  setTimeout(function() {

It was originally expected to output 1 to 10 in order, but unexpectedly output 10 11s. The reason behind this is that the i on the third line always has only one, which is the var i declared in the for loop, and it is the same variable from beginning to end.

The classic solution is also very simple, just change var to let:

for(let i=1; i<=10; i++) {
  setTimeout(function() {

The reason why this works is that the above code can be seen as the following form:

 let i=1
 setTimeout(function() {

 let i=2
 setTimeout(function() {


 let i=10
 setTimeout(function() {

Since the scope of let is block, there is actually a new i in each round of the loop, so there are 10 different i after the loop runs 10 times, and of course, 10 different numbers are output in the end.

Therefore, the biggest difference between var and let in this example is the number of variables, the former has only one, while the latter has 10.

Okay, now that you know the difference between let and var, let’s take a look at the main issue of this article.

In fact, this issue comes from a question raised by @getify, the author of YDKJS (You Don’t Know JS), on his Twitter:

question for JS engines devs…
is there an optimization in place for this kind of code?

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  // no closure

IOW, where the behavior of creating a new i per iteration is not needed nor observable… does JS skip doing it?

If you didn’t understand it very well, you can continue to read the other tweet:

here’s a variation on the question… will JS engines exhibit much performance difference between these two loops?

for (var i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
   // do some stuff, but not closure

for (let i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
   // do the same stuff (no closure)

Simply put, when we usually use let with loops, isn’t it like we said above, there will be a new i in each round? If so, then there should be a performance difference between var and let, because let must new a new variable in each round, so let will be slower.

If the loop does not need a new i in each round, will the JS engine optimize it? This issue is mainly to explore whether the JS engine will optimize this behavior.

So how do we know? Either you are a JS engine developer, or you can look at the JS bytecode, but both of these difficulties are a bit too high. But don’t worry, there is a third way: look at the JS bytecode.

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If there is one concept in JavaScript that is important and commonly used but often confused by beginners, it is undoubtedly “Asynchronous”. Compared to other concepts such as this, closure, prototype, or hoisting, asynchronous is used much more frequently in practical development and is often a pitfall for beginners.

Is asynchronous really that difficult?

I don’t think so. As long as you follow a correct context, you can gradually understand why asynchronous is needed and how it is handled in JavaScript.

I actually wrote about a similar topic four years ago, but looking back now, it was not well written. Therefore, four years later, I am revisiting this topic and hoping to write a better quality article to clarify the concept of asynchronous.

Before writing this article, I referred to the official documentation of Node.js and found that it actually explains asynchronous quite well. Therefore, this article will start with a similar approach to discuss this issue. If you don’t know Node.js, it’s okay, I will provide a brief introduction below.

It is recommended that you have a basic understanding of JavaScript, know how to use JavaScript to manipulate the DOM, and know what ajax is before reading this article.

Let’s get started!

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