Among various attack methods targeting front-end, I find clickjacking quite interesting. Its Chinese translation is usually “click hijacking”, which actually means that you think you clicked something on website A, but in fact, you clicked on website B. Malicious websites hijack users’ clicks, making them click on unexpected places.
Just a click, what harm can it cause?
Suppose it is a bank transfer page in the background, and the account number and amount are filled in. Just press a button and the money will be transferred out. This is very dangerous (but usually unlikely, because transferring money still requires entering OTP and the like, this is just an example).
Or take a more common example. There is a page that looks like a page for unsubscribing from an email newsletter, so you click the “Confirm Unsubscribe” button, but actually, there is a Facebook Like button hidden underneath, so you not only did not unsubscribe, but also gave a Like (because the target of hijacking is Like, it is also called likejacking).
In this article, I will introduce the attack principle, defense methods, and practical cases of clickjacking, so that everyone can better understand this attack method.
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