Did you know that when you discuss SSR with your friends, it’s highly likely that your understanding of SSR differs? Let’s take a few scenarios. Which ones do you consider as SSR?

  1. Generating the view from the backend using PHP.
  2. Frontend is a React-based SPA, but if the backend detects a search engine, it switches to a different template that is specifically designed for search engines instead of the React-rendered page.
  3. Frontend is a React-based SPA, but it uses Prerender to render the page as HTML and then serves it to the search engine (regular users still get the SPA experience). The difference from the previous scenario is that the view seen by users and search engines is mostly the same.
  4. Frontend is a React-based SPA, and the backend uses renderToString to render React into a string, but there is no data. The data is fetched on the frontend.
  5. Frontend is a React-based SPA, and the backend makes API calls to fetch data for each page. After fetching the data, it calls renderToString to output HTML. On the client-side, hydration is performed to make the page interactive.

Some people believe that any view generated by the backend is considered SSR, so all scenarios 1 to 5 are SSR. Others think that the frontend must be an SPA for it to be called SSR, so scenarios 2 to 5 are SSR. Yet, some people consider hydration as the key aspect of SSR, so only scenario 5 (or 45) is SSR.

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On November 9, 2023, Sentry published an article on their blog titled Next.js SDK Security Advisory - CVE-2023-46729. The article discusses the details of the CVE-2023-46729 vulnerability, including its cause, discovery time, and patching time.

Although the vulnerability was officially announced on 11/9, it was actually fixed in version 7.77.0 released on 10/31. Some time was given to developers to patch the vulnerability.

Now let’s briefly discuss the cause and attack method of this vulnerability.

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Both of these competitions had many interesting but challenging problems. I really learned a lot.

Keyword list:

  1. nim json, null byte
  2. nim request smuggling
  3. js-yaml
  4. web worker
  5. blob URL
  6. meta redirect
  7. file protocol & .localhost domain
  8. sxg: Signed Exchanges
  9. 431 CSP bypass
  10. DOM clobbering document.body
  11. ejs delimiter
  12. Node.js + Deno prototype pollution gadget
  13. XSleaks golang sort

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Some websites use GIFs for certain images because they are animated and appear more impressive than static images. Sometimes, the need for an animated image arises, such as in the case of stickers where animation is expected.

However, one of the well-known drawbacks of GIFs is their large file size. Especially on mobile devices with higher resolutions, larger images are required. Even if only a 52px image is displayed, a 156px image needs to be prepared, resulting in increased file size. In terms of web development, it is always better to have fewer and smaller resources to load.

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I participated in both of these events to some extent, but I didn’t look at every challenge. This post is just a note to briefly record the solutions, without going into too much detail.

As usual, here are the keywords I noted:

  1. GraphQL batch query + alias
  2. Python os.path.join absolute path
  3. Svg XSS, foreignObject
  4. WebRTC CSP bypass
  5. Status code xsleak
  6. DNS rebinding
  7. nmap command injection
  8. Ruby rack file upload temporary storage
  9. buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate EL injection
  10. Request smuggling
  11. document.baseURI
  12. 200/404 status code xsleak

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A while ago, I was busy traveling and didn’t have much time for CTFs. Even if I did participate, I was too lazy to write a writeup, so my last writeup was back in March. I felt it was a shame to break the streak, so I quickly wrote another one to make up for it.

Regarding the three CTFs mentioned in the title, I only participated in GoogleCTF 2023. For the other two events, I only briefly looked at the challenges, so this post will only serve as a note on the challenges and their solutions.

Keyword list:

  1. Inconsistent order of POST data parsing between Flask and PHP
  2. iframe CSP blocking certain script loads
  3. CSRF bypass using HEAD method
  4. Accessing parent origin using location.ancestorOrigins
  5. Changing iframe location doesn’t affect the src
  6. Angular CSP bypass gadget in recaptcha URL
  7. Restoring input using document.execCommand('undo');
  8. X-HTTP-Method-Override
  9. Differences between HTML and XHTML parsers

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Originally, I intended to write this article from a developer’s perspective. However, due to time constraints, I will first write a CTF-oriented article to record this issue. I will write from a developer’s perspective when I have more time.

In short, this article discusses the problems caused by using the following pattern:

const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 3000

app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

app.get('/', (req,res) => {
    res.render('index', req.query);

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`)

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It’s been a long time since I made any major changes to my blog structure. Hexo has already released v6, and v7 is currently in beta, but my blog is still on hexo3.

Recently, I had some free time and decided to update my blog, and also use chatGPT as a helper.

The changes I made this time are:

  1. Upgraded Hexo version
  2. Modified syntax highlight
  3. Dark mode
  4. Automatic translation (highlight)

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Regular expressions (hereinafter referred to as regexp), are mainly used for string matching. After writing a pattern, it can be used to match text that meets the rules.

Whether it’s a phone number, email, or ID number, regexp can be used to perform basic format validation to ensure that the string format matches specific rules.

Although regexp is convenient, if it is not written properly, it may cause some input validations to be bypassed and evolve into a security issue. In addition to this, there is another type of problem that will cause issues, which is ReDoS, the full name is: Regular expression Denial-of-Service, due to the denial of service attack caused by regular expressions.

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