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In a previous article, we introduced how to decompile an Android APK. By decompiling, we can obtain a lot of information related to the APK, such as AndroidManifest.xml. With this file, we can see some basic information about the APK, and also see the entire code of the APK and the resources used (pictures, videos, sounds, etc.).

But if today we only want to know the basic information, and we don’t care about how the APK is written or what resources it uses, what should we do? Decompiling takes some time, and the larger the APK, the longer it takes. Is there a better way?

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For Android engineers, understanding how to decompile can enhance their understanding of the Android system and also consider how to protect their APK from being decompiled.

For the general public, many ready-made tools can help us easily decompile APKs and see Java source code, satisfying our curiosity.

This article only introduces the use of some tools, suitable for beginners to watch. If you want to understand more underlying knowledge, you can refer to the extended reading attached at the end of the article.

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